weSTAMP July Meeting

      I started stamping a million years ago by taking some classes in a little store in Downtown Glendale. I went to my first Stampin’ Up! class when my daughter was  5 months old (she is now 6) and I fell in love with it! I went to only two Stampin’ Up classes before my friend Wendy signed up to be a Demonstrator. I am so glad she did! She was the best teacher! I loved her style and she made such beautiful cards! I joined her club and attended her workshops until she said she was moving to Virginia…I was so sad that I decided to become a Demonstrator. I signed up on the first of July last year, and I believe she moved a week or so later. I never really got to work with her in person.  I have talked to her on the phone often and she is always so willing to help me. I am so thankful! 

     This week I was so excited that Wendy came for a visit! She and I went to our weSTAMP meeting at Nancy Riley’s house. It was so much fun.  Nancy and Lorri did a wonderful job with the meeting!

 Nancy did the make and take and it was cute and fun! We made these little Bag Boxes. Everyone did such a good job!

They we got to tour Nancy’s craft space….I have already talked about my envy there….I was glad that I wasn’t the only one saying wow every time she opened a cabinet! It was fun and very educational. I felt like we were on a little field trip!

We did the Door Prize. I made it this time, so no chance of having to make it next month! I forgot to take a picture of it, but you can see it on Lorri’s Blog here.

Then, we swapped. Every month these get better and better. There  is so much pressure for me when I am making mine. I am so worried it won’t be pretty enough! I like mine this time. Our theme was to use a background stamp or roller. Thanks to Ginny I was able to use a background stamp. I don’t own any that are current.

Here is my card! I kind of used last weeks sketch challenge for my start.

Recipe: STAMPS: Pick a Petal, Happy Everything, Sanded,  INK:Versamark, Jet Black Stazon, PAPER:Glossy Paper, Basic Black, Summer Sun, EMBELLISHMENTS:Black Button, Black Gingham Ribbon, White Embossing Powder.

I embossed the background stamp to give it more texture.

Wendy’s Card.  I love that she used the hole punch to make the little black circles. I they look like little brads. Clever!

Lorri’sCard. WOW! Her’s are the cards that my husband say’s WOW over! Thanks to her I may be getting a cuttlebug for my birthday! I’ll let you know!

Nancy’s Card. Nancy musy have known that my daughter would be turing 6 in a couple of weeks!! So cute!

Adriana’s Card. I love the cards for little kids. I have over 20 nieces and nephews and I ALWAYS need a  card for one of them! So Cute!

Diana’s Card. I haven’t used the pretties kit yet.  I love that she died the flower purple. I am glad she told us how to do it. I may have to try this!

Terri’s Card. Beautiful choice of colors! It is pretty on the inside too.

Ginny’s Card.  Very Blingy! I got a lot of comments from friends on Ginny’s card. They love all the glitter. I do too.

Well thanks for looking!



2 Responses to “weSTAMP July Meeting”

  1. 1 kristy nakamura July 25, 2008 at 8:27 pm

    Wow You have a very talented group to play with. I could only hope to someday have an ounce of of their and your creative talent!

  2. 2 Deena July 28, 2008 at 8:03 am

    All the cards are unique and fun, and I think yours just pops because of the color! Great idea to emboss the sanded bg. It looks great!

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Pam Wood ~ Glendale, AZ

I am a stay at home mom to 3 wonderful children and Wife to one AMAZING husband! I am also a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator

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